Celebrating our Jubilarians in the United Kingdom

Hothorpe Hall, Leicestershire was the setting as the Sisters of St Joseph of Peace in the UK came together on 20th June to celebrate a total of 120 years of love and service in religious life with two of our sisters. The day was delightful as the sunshine appeared after a downfall of rain and a relaxed atmosphere was enjoyed by all as we gathered to celebrate with our Jubilarians, Sister Hilda Baxter and Sister Elizabeth Kenny both celebrating 60 years. We enjoyed a delicious meal followed by a prayer of thanksgiving which opened with an aptly chosen quote by John O’Donohue:  “May integrity of soul be your first ideal, the source that will guide and bless your work.”

Click here to view more photos of the 2016 UK Jubilee on YouTube.

Thanks to Maureen Brennan, CSJP for submitting this article and photos.


Celebrating our Jubilarians in the West


Associate Covenanting in the West