About Us
As Sisters and Associates of St. Joseph of Peace, our founding spirit calls us to further the work of peace. We are motivated, challenged and inspired by our charism of peace through justice.
We share a sense of gratitude for who we are and enthusiasm for what we can accomplish together. Our intimacy with God unifies our prayer and activity so that we are moved to action by prayer while action urges us to pray.
We are called to root our lives in a deeply prayerful and discerning spirit leading us to actions for justice, especially for the poor and for women and children.
In accord with our tradition
we commit ourselves to promote peace
in family life, in the church, and in society.
We strive to respect the dignity of all persons,
to value the gifts of creation,
and to confront oppressive situations.
We respond to God's people in need
and promote social justice
as a way to peace.
— Constitution 11
Our charism of peace
challenges us to prophetic risk
so that God's reign might be more fully realized.
Confident of God's faithful love
and collaborating with others who work for
justice and peace,
we face the future with gratitude and hope.
— Constitution 12
Our charism of peace challenges us to prophetic risk so that God's reign might be more fully realized. - Constitution 12
Meet our current Congregation Leadership Team.
At our 21st General Chapter in 2008 we elected to become a Congregation without Provinces.
The Sisters of St Joseph of Peace continue a rich heritage devoted to promoting social justice as a way to peace.
Communication has been part of the pulse of the Congregation from the beginning.