Charism & Mission

Our charism of peace challenges us to prophetic risk so that God’s reign might be more fully realized.
— Constitution 12

We live in community.
Our presence to one another
enables, sustains and challenges us
to be responsive to our mission.

— Constitution 16

Recognizing gospel peace as both gift and task,
we believe that prayer is fundamental to our life.
Our intimacy with God
unifies our prayer and activity
so that we are moved to action by prayer
while action urges us to pray.
In unity with the church
and with all of creation
we give praise and thanks to the Giver of all gifts.
We open ourselves to the liberating power of God
whose Spirit in us leads to peace.

— Constitution 28

Our history calls us to a special love
for those who are poor.
The weight of suffering and oppression
borne by so many people today,
especially those who are economically poor,
cries out to us for action.
Our response demands a firm commitment
to work for justice
in solidarity with our sisters and brothers.

— Constitution 21

Chapter Commitments
The Congregation Chapter is the highest
decision-making body in the congregation.
In this event we celebrate our unity,
renew our life and spirit,
reflect together on the call of the gospel,
and make decisions in fidelity to our charism.

— Constitution 100

Read about our Chapter Commitments to radical hospitality, care of creation and climate change, and nonviolence.