2024 - A “Super Election” Year
““Elections are an essential moment in the life of any country, since they allow all citizens responsibly to choose their leaders.”
An Invitation
More than 2 billion people across 60+ countries will or have already voted in national elections in 2024, the largest global election year in history, during a time of increased polarization, misinformation, armed conflict, and climate crisis.
We invite you to join us in prayer and intention through a six-month process which calls us to make peace a reality by becoming agents of reconciliation and transformation during this election year. Pray the election prayer daily and join in our weekly intentions.
Daily Election Prayer
God of peace, these times demand a change of heart: to be, think, and act differently.
Pour out your Spirit on your people as we prepare to vote in 2024 in unprecedented numbers across the globe.
May we strive to make peace a reality by becoming agents of reconciliation, transforming and transcending polarization, misinformation, and division during this election year.
Help us to recognize the reality of our interconnection and interdependence and to make decisions for the common good. Amen.
“Yet we find ourselves at a place we’ve never been, at the edge of tomorrow, the dawn of our reCreation. These new times demand a change of heart: to be, think, and act differently. Our spiritual lives require deep re-examination and transformation; our outward actions must confront privilege and power in ourselves and society … It is time to live our words. We embrace these promptings of the Sprit with courage, humility, hope and trust.”
Weekly Election Intentions
“In recognizing the dignity of all persons, we commit ourselves to education and action that aim to eliminate discrimination in all its forms within the congregation, in those places and institutions where we minister, and in the wider society.” (Constitution 24)
“The ancient forests have been hewndown with little profit to the spoiler, and to the injury in many ways of the native. The noble rivers are there still, and the mountains look as beautiful in the sunsets of this year of grace as they did so many hundred years before; but the country, which was in 'God's keeping' then, has but little improved since it came into the keeping of man.” – M.F. Cusack, Illustrated History of Ireland, 1868
“I sometimes wonder why … it took so long for the Church unequivocally to condemn slavery and various forms of violence. Today, with our developed spirituality and theology, we have no excuses. Still, there are those who appear to feel encouraged or at least permitted by their faith to support varieties of narrow and violent nationalism, xenophobia and contempt, and even the mistreatment of those who are different. Faith, and the humanism it inspires, must maintain a critical sense in the face of these tendencies, and prompt an immediate response whenever they rear their head.” – Pope Francis, Fratelli Tutti
“Today we stand at a new crossing place. We live in a society marked strongly by the violence of war, violence to people through poverty and a sense of powerlessness and alienation, violence to earth, sea, and sky—violence that is truly cosmic. In response we commit ourselves to grow more deeply toward a nonviolent way of being and acting as peacemakers.” Seeds of Peace: Growing in Nonviolence
“We receive and celebrate all life as a gift from God by reverencing the earth’s resources and using material goods in a respectful and loving manner.” (Constitution 104)
“The Christian principles of which I speak are the Divine precepts of justice and mercy, and the Evangelical counsels of poverty and large almsgiving. If these Divine lessons were universally recognized and carried out, the dreadful danger of transgressing the limits of justice would disappear.” – Bishop Edward Gilpin Bagshawe, Mercy and Justice to the Poor, 1885
“I invite everyone to renewed hope, for hope speaks to us of something deeply rooted in every human heart, independently of our circumstances and historical conditioning. … Hope is bold; it can look beyond personal convenience, the petty securities and compensations which limit our horizon, and it can open us up to grand ideals that make life more beautiful and worthwhile. Let us continue, then, to advance along the paths of hope." – Pope Francis, Fratelli Tutti
“In solidarity with all peacemakers we recommit ourselves, our resources, and our prayers to creating a world built on justice from which true peace can flourish.” – Congregation Statement on Nuclear Weapons
Pope Francis has shared his prayer intention for August 2024 to pray for political leaders.
Join Catholic Sisters in silent prayer during:
Republican National Convention (July 15-18)
Democratic National Conventions (August 19-22)
US Election (November 4-6)
Visit the LCWR Website to sign up and access the virtual contemplative prayer space
US Resources
Equally Sacred Multi-Issue Checklist, NETWORK Lobby
Pope Francis makes it clear: Catholics and all people of good will are called to be multi-issue voters, not single-issue voters, in the 2024 elections and in our continued participation in public life. This resource can support you in educating yourself as a faithful voter on the issues and concerns that are “equally sacred.”
Vote 411, League of Women Voters
Provides reliable, nonpartisan information in both English and Spanish, including candidates guides, voter registration and verification, details
about your unique ballot, and how to vote in your state.
Civilize It—A Better Kind of Politics, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
A response to Pope Francis’ invitation to model a “better kind of politics.” See the Civilize it pledge on the next page.
General Resources
Overcome Division Video, by Stand Together
8 minute video with 5 simple steps from Irshad Manji.Transforming Grace, Leadership Conference of Women Religious
Invites participants to take responsibility for the personal and collective responses we can make in the challenges we will encounter during the election period. Each liturgical season, participants receive a weekly or monthly one-page reflection guide designed to be used in groups such as leadership teams, justice committees, employee groups, and gatherings of sisters and partners in mission. Each reflection tool is designed for a 60-75 minute session.
CSJP Resources
UK Resources
Preparing for the Election—Vocation for Justice, Columban Justice, Peace and Ecology Team
The Summer 2024 edition of 'Vocation for Justice' is filled with thought-provoking content as the UK moves towards a General Election.UK General Election 2024: A guide for Catholic Voters, CAFOD
CAFOD and SVP are inviting Catholics to reach out to their local candidates to strengthen community participation and practice the culture of encounter that Pope Francis talks about. This website includes supporter briefings on international aid, human rights, climate change, debt cancellation, food systems, inequality, cost of living, and migration.General Election Website, Churches Together in Britain and Ireland
Resources to help Christians in the UK prepare for the UK General Election. Includes resources from Operation Noah and Let’s End Poverty.General Election 2024, Pax Christi England and Wales
Briefing note produced in collaboration with the Network of Christian Peace Organisations to produce a briefing note.: