Weekly Peace Prayer
for March 18, 2025
prepared by Sister Carmel Little, CSJP
Christ is our peace, the source of our power.
United with him we engage in the struggle
against the reality of evil and continue the work
of establishing God’s reign of justice and peace. #2
I arise today
Through the power of the Trinity,
Though faith in the threeness,
Through trust in the oneness,
Of the maker of earth,
And the maker of heaven.
I gird myself today with the power of God:
God’s strength to comfort me,
God’s might to uphold me,
God’s wisdom to guide me,
God’s eye to look before me,
God’s ear to hear me,
God’s word to speak for me.
God’s hand to lead me,
God’s way to lie before me,
God’s shield to protect me,
God’s angels to save me.
Christ behind and before me,
Christ beneath and above me,
Christ around and about me.
Quiet Reflection
From the beginning of the congregation
Joseph was chosen as our patron
Because he is a model of peace.
His courage to live a life of faith
Inspires us to trust in God’s abiding love,
Especially in times of struggle
and uncertainty. #36
“Three Songs of Mary”, as Mary speaks to us of Joseph in her life.
O Sapientia
It was from Joseph first I learned
of love. Like me he was dismayed.
How easily he could have turned
me from his house; but, unafraid,
he put me not away from him
(O God-sent angel, pray for him).
Thus through his love was Love obeyed.
The Child’s first cry came like a bell;
God’s Word aloud, God’s Word in deed.
The angel spoke: so it befell,
and Joseph with me in my need.
O child whose father came from heaven,
to you another gift was given,
your earthly father chosen well.
With Joseph I was always warmed
and cherished. Even in the stable,
I knew that I would not be harmed.
And though above the angels swarmed,
man’s love it was that made me able
to bear God’s love, wild formidable,
to bear God’s will, through me performed.
Madeleine L’Engle
Creator God, we thank you for Joseph, our model of peace.
May his courage to live a life of faith inspire us to trust in your
abiding love, especially in times of struggle and uncertainty. We
ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Quiet Reflection
Litany of St. Joseph
Joseph most prudent – Pray for us and for peace in our world.
Joseph most obedient – Pray for us and for peace in our world.
Joseph most faithful – Pray for us and for peace in our world.
Husband of Mary – Pray for us and for peace in our world.
Foster father of Jesus – Pray for us and for peace in our world.
Man of vision and wisdom – Pray for us and for peace in our world.
Lover of poor and alienated people – Pray for us and for peace in our world.
Model of peace – Pray for us and for peace in our world.
Pillar of silence and prayer – Pray for us and for peace in our world.
Companion of displaced persons – Pray for us and for peace in our world.
Witness of courage and prophetic risk – Pray for us and for peace in our world.
Model of workers and artisans – Pray for us and for peace in our world.
Pillar of families – Pray for us and for peace in our world.
Guardian of youth – Pray for us and for peace in our world.
Hope of the sick and dying – Pray for us and for peace in our world.
Protector of the universal Church – Pray for us and for peace in our world.
Patron of the Sisters of
St. Joseph of Peace – Pray for us and for peace in our world.
Quiet Reflection
We thank you, Saint Joseph, for your constant care
and protection as we journey on life’s way.
May we remain like you, strong in faith, firm in hope, active in charity.
In your life you suffered from injustice and had to leave your
homeland. We ask you to be guardian of all peoples suffering
from war, especially the people of Gaza.
We pray that those who have the power may
be touched by a spirit of compassion and mercy
and work to bring about peace and justice in Gaza.
Help us in this time of struggle and uncertainty
to have the courage to trust in God’s abiding love.
We ask this for ourselves and for all people
through Christ Jesus. Amen
Community Prayer Book adapted by Carmel Little