Congregational News

Celebrating Jubilees in the UK in 2022
It was with great delight the Sisters in the UK Region were able to gather on Tuesday 12 July at Rothley Court Hotel in Leicestershire to give thanks and celebrate with our Jubilarians of 2022.

Sisters of St. Joseph of Peace Fully Divest from Fossil Fuels
The Congregation of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Peace (CSJP) announced today that their investment portfolio is 100% fossil-free.

CSJP Synodal Listening Sessions
In early March 2022, the Congregation Leadership Team invited vowed members and lay associates to two listening sessions via Zoom. We pondered together the central question: What is the Holy Spirit saying to our Church today about communion, participation, and mission?

Prayer for Juneteenth
God of all peoples and nations, on this day of freedom, we celebrate with all people of goodwill that we might walk arm in arm towards justice for all.

Jubilees in Western Region
On Saturday, June 4, 2022 we celebrated the 2020, 2021, and 2022 Jubilarians in the Western region with a beautiful Eucharistic Liturgy.

Resisting Every Form of War and Violence - The Killing Must End
In the spirit of our recent Chapter commitment to resist every form of war and violence as we answer our call To Be Who We Say We Are, we join our voices to those of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious and Catholic Health Association calling for action to end to gun violence now.

Statement on Violence and White Supremacy
We join our voices to those of LCWR leaders in the wake of the horror in Buffalo by pledging to raise our voices and act to end the violence and white supremacy.

Two Groups of Jubilarians Celebrate in the East
Finally, on April 30th after two years of rescheduling and altering plans for the 2020 AND 2021 jubilees, the day to celebrate arrived!

Chapter Calls Congregation To Be Who We Say We Are
The second session of the 23rd Congregation Chapter came to an end on Monday, March 21, 2022.

Sisters Urge UK and US Governments to Protect Human Rights of Migrants
On this 73rd anniversary of the adoption of the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, we want to remind the governments of the UK and the US, that actions like the passage of the Nationality and Borders Bill as well as the US government’s continued use of Title 42 and the so-called Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP) violate both the spirit and the letter of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights we celebrate today.

Celebrating Jubilees in the UK in 2021
It was with great delight the Sisters in the UK Region were able to gather for the first time since before the Pandemic on Tuesday 12 October at Rothley Court Hotel in Leicestershire to give thanks and celebrate with our Jubilarians of 2020 and 2021.

Sister Liz Dodd Received as a Novice
The Congregation of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Peace (CSJP) received Sister Elizabeth Anne (Liz) Dodd as a novice on Saturday the 16th of October at a Ritual of Reception held at the St. Joseph House of Hospitality in Carlton, Nottingham.

New from Kenmare Press: My Friend Joe
St. Joseph, husband of Mary and foster-father of Jesus, is central to the Christian story. Yet, so little is known about St. Joseph, either as an historical figure or as recorded in scripture.

CSJP Statement of Commitment to the Laudato Si' Action Platform
The Congregation of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Peace has affirmed a Public Commitment Statement to participate in the Laudato Si' Action Platform organized by the Dicastery for the Promotion of Integral Human Development in Rome. Accordingly, we have registered on

Joint Statement and Call to Action on the Crisis in Haiti
The Sisters of St. Joseph of Peace joined 140 individuals and organizations in signing a statement that recognizes the crisis in Haiti and calls on the international community to stand in solidarity with Haiti.

Sisters of St. Joseph of Peace Elect New Leadership
The Sisters of St. Joseph of Peace, an international Catholic community of vowed women religious, elected new leadership during the 23rd Congregation Chapter meeting held April 23-25, 2021, in Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, USA.

Congregation Leadership Team Ritual of Transfer of Authority
The new Congregation Leadership Team began their term of office today, July 1: Sister Andrea Nenzel (Congregation Leader), Sister Susan Francois (Assistant Congregation Leader, and Sisters Margie Fort, Sheena George and Kathleen Pruitt (Congregation Councilors).