Congregational News

Sisters of St. Joseph of Peace Condemn Life-Threatening Foreign Aid Reductions
We express our profound alarm at the devastating humanitarian crisis poised to unfold due to the decisions of the US and UK to drastically slash foreign aid spending.

Open Letter of Pope Francis to US Bishops
We echo the grave concerns of Pope Francis for our immigrant brothers and sisters and call upon our brother Bishops to use their moral voice and authority during this unprecedented time.

Response to These Times
We affirm the Response from the Leadership Conference of Women Religious to these times. In the time ahead, we will need to be women who stay informed, listen carefully to all voices and perspectives, and engage in serious and deep discernment to make wise choices so that we do not contribute hatred, fear, division, or violence to the world.

Community Day of Thanksgiving - January 7, 2025
The first CSJP sisters professed their vows 141 years ago at St. Barnabas Cathedral in Nottingham, England on January 7, 1884. We celebrate this moment each year as our Community Day of Thanksgiving. Click to read the Leadership Team’s message for 2025.

Sharing Our Resources: 2024 Impact Report
We are delighted to invite you to read the first Congregation Impact Report: Sharing our Resources. Inside this publication you will find the story of how we are actively using our Congregation’s financial resources to partner with others in our local and global communities to promote peace through justice

Autumn Assembly – MISSION: The Never-Ending Story
Sisters and associates in all three regions gathered this spring to reflect and pray with the theme, “Healing Ourselves, Healing the World.” Kathy Galleher, Ph.D. was our guide at each retreat assembly as we created a contemplative and reflective space to explore our commitment in our Chapter Call to address, heal, and be present to the wounds and broken relationships among ourselves and all of God’s Creation.

CSJPs represented at UN Biodiversity Conference
This week the international community is gathering in Columbia for the 16th meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP 16) to the Convention on Biodiversity. Blair Nelsen, Executive Director of Waterspirit is in attendance as our CSJP UN-NGO Representative, in collaboration with the Faiths for Biodiversity Coalition

Sister Cheruto Received as Novice
The Congregation of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Peace received Sister Cynthia Cheruto Bundi, CSJP as a Novice on Saturday, September 14, 2024, during a Ritual of Reception at St. Mary-on-the-Lake Chapel in Bellevue, Washington.

Peace and Justice Grants for UK Based Projects
The Sisters and Associates in our United Kingdom region are offering grants (up to £5,000) for Peace and Justice projects.

Response to Anti-Migrant Violence
We affirm the Together with Refugees statement on the recent anti-migrant violence in the United Kingdom an stand in solidarity with migrants and refugees.

Prayer for Political Leaders - Pope Francis
Pope Francis has shared his prayer intention for August 2024: prayer for political leaders.

Kenyan Bishop visits Sisters
The sisters at St. Mary-on-the-Lake in Bellevue, Washington welcomed Bishop Dominic Kimengich from the Diocese of Eldoret, Kenya on Saturday, July 13th.

2024 Jubilees in the UK
It was with delight that the sisters in the UK Region were able to gather on Tuesday, 11 June, at Rothley Court Hotel in Leicestershire to give thanks and celebrate the lives of our Jubilarians of 2024. The weather was good, and the day was simply perfect with a relaxed atmosphere.

Elections 2024 - Time to Live Our Words
Join us in prayer and intention as we seek to make peace a reality this election year.

2024 Jubilees in the West
On May 4, 2024, sisters, associates, family and friends gathered in Bellevue, Washington, to honor three Jubilarians celebrating 70 and 60 years of religious life as Sisters of St. Joseph of Peace.

2024 Jubilees in the East
On April 13, 2024, sisters, associates, family and friends gathered in Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, to honor four Jubilarians celebrating 80 and 70 years of religious life as Sisters of St. Joseph of Peace.

Spring Retreat Assembly – Healing Ourselves, Healing the World
Sisters and associates in all three regions gathered this spring to reflect and pray with the theme, “Healing Ourselves, Healing the World.” Kathy Galleher, Ph.D. was our guide at each retreat assembly as we created a contemplative and reflective space to explore our commitment in our Chapter Call to address, heal, and be present to the wounds and broken relationships among ourselves and all of God’s Creation.

Catholic Sign-on Letter on Israel-Palestine
In keeping with our Chapter commitments to address, heal, and be present to wounds and broken relationships and to resist every form of war and violence, we have signed on as a Congregation to a new open Catholic Letter released today and coordinated by Pax Christi USA, the Catholic Advisory Council of Churches for Middle East Peace, the Franciscan Action Network, and the Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns.